Managing Digital Gifts from Well-Meaning Relatives

As we approach the season of giving, it's not uncommon for well-meaning family members to present our children with digital, internet-connected devices. While the intention is often rooted in generosity, the potential risks may make parents uneasy. If you find yourself in this situation, here are some tips to navigate and manage when a family member gives your child a digital device that you believe is too risky:

1. Express Your Concerns Calmly

Communication is key. Approach the situation calmly and express your concerns to the family member who gifted the device. Be honest about your worries regarding age-appropriate content, online safety, or potential distractions.

2. Share Your Family Digital Guidelines

If you have established digital guidelines or rules within your family, share them with your relatives. Explain the importance of consistency in maintaining your child's safe and balanced digital environment.

3. Educate on Parental Controls

Provide information about parental control features available on the device. Offer to set up these controls to ensure the device meets your family's digital safety standards. Acquiring a copy of my Parent Guide, “Happy And Safe Online,” might help.

4. Suggest Alternatives

If you genuinely believe the device is unsuitable for your child's age or maturity level, suggest alternative gifts that align with your parenting values. This can help redirect the relative's intention towards a more appropriate, agreed-upon present.

5. Establish Usage Guidelines

Work with the family member to establish clear guidelines for using the device. Discuss when and where it is appropriate to use the device and any restrictions on certain activities or content.

6. Consider Compromises

Seek a middle ground that respects the gift-giver's intentions while addressing your concerns. Perhaps there are compromises, such as limiting usage to certain times or areas in the house, that both parties can agree on.

7. Educate Your Child

Take the opportunity to educate your child about responsible digital use. Discuss your concerns and explain the rules and guidelines you are implementing to keep them safe online. Encourage open communication with your child about their digital experiences. Explaining that different families or relatives may have different guidelines for technology use is important.

8. Be Gracious and Appreciative

Despite your concerns, remember that the gift was given with good intentions. Be gracious and appreciative of the gesture, emphasizing your gratitude while expressing your commitment to keeping your child's digital experience safe.

Navigating such situations can be delicate, but it's essential to prioritize the safety and well-being of your child. Open and respectful communication with the gift-giving family member can often lead to solutions that work for everyone involved. Remember, you are your child's advocate in the digital world, and setting boundaries is part of responsible parenting.

Here's to fostering a safe and positive digital environment for your family!


Talking to Your Kids about Online Safety